
Intellij IDEA plugin that turns IntelliJ IDEA into an LSP server and delivers the full power of IDEA's language support to LSP clients.

Tool Category
Supported Languages





Cheapest way to start using full power of JetBrains IDEs as a backend for Visual Studio Code


LSP is a protocol that allows decoupling the editor and the language support logic, so you can (theoretically) use any editor supporting LSP client functionality (like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Vim, Emacs, Eclipse, etc.) with any LSP server.

There are a lot of LSP servers with different feature sets for different languages. This one differs from the others in that it doesn’t define its own language logic but rather translates LSP requests into IDEA API calls. So it does what your IDEA does, with the languages your IDEA supports, but with your favorite editor. If you are working on a multi-language project you don’t need many language-specific LSP servers anymore. Just install IntelliJ IDEA with appropriate set of plugins and turn it into one LSP server for all the languages you need.

IdeaLS is designed to be as much language agnostic as possible. However, for a better user experience some parts are still dependent on language-specific API.

The project was heavily inspired by intellij-lsp-server


  • IntelliJ IDEA (Community or Ultimate) or IDEA Platform based IDE 2022.3 or higher


  • The project is in a very early stage and really unstable.
  • The server is tested with Visual Studio Code only.
  • There are conflicts with the Android plugin on startup, so you have to disable it in the IDEA.
  • There is A LOT of work yet to be done, please be indulgent.

Feature list

Name Method   VSCode Action
Workspace Symbols workspace/symbol :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + T
Execute Command workspace/executeCommand :x:  
Diagnostics textDocument/publishDiagnostics :heavy_check_mark: N/A
Completion textDocument/completion :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + Space
Hover textDocument/hover :x:  
Signature Help textDocument/signatureHelp :heavy_check_mark:  
Goto Declaration textDocument/declaration :x:  
Goto Definition textDocument/definition :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + Left mouse click
Goto Type Definition textDocument/typeDefinition :heavy_check_mark: Right mouse click -> Go to -> Type defintion
Goto Implementation textDocument/implementation :x:  
Find References textDocument/references :heavy_check_mark: Right mouse click -> Go To -> References
Document Highlights textDocument/documentHighlight :heavy_check_mark: Left mouse click on symbol
Document Symbols textDocument/documentSymbol :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + O
Code Action textDocument/codeAction :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + .
Code Lens textDocument/codeLens :x:  
Document Formatting textDocument/formatting :heavy_check_mark: Ctrl + Shift + P -> Format Document
Document Range Formatting textDocument/rangeFormatting :heavy_check_mark: Select text -> Ctrl + Shift + P -> Format Selection
Document on Type Formatting textDocument/onTypeFormatting :heavy_check_mark: N/A
Rename textDocument/rename :heavy_check_mark: N/A
Prepare Call Hierarchy textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy :x:  
Call Hierarchy Incoming Calls callHierarchy/incomingCalls :x:  
Call Hierarchy Outgoing Calls callHierarchy/outgoingCalls :x:  
Prepare Type Hierarchy textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy’ :x:  
Type Hierarchy Supertypes typeHierarchy/supertypes :x:  
Type Hierarchy Subtypes typeHierarchy/subtypes :x:  
Document Link textDocument/documentLink :x:  
Folding Range textDocument/foldingRange :x:  
Selection Range textDocument/selectionRange :x:  
Semantic Tokens textDocument/semanticTokens :x:  
Inline Value textDocument/inlineValue :x:  
Inlay Hint textDocument/inlayHint :x:  
Monikers textDocument/moniker :x:  
Document Color textDocument/documentColor :x:  
Linked Editing Range textDocument/linkedEditingRange :x:  


Sergey Anchipolevsky - @serganch

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