
Source code analysis tool using Data-Flow Analysis and Static Symbolic Execution

Tool Category
Supported Languages


Provide general purpose SAST tool for C/C++ code analysis and vulnerability detection


Why to use Cooddy

Cooddy tool is source code analysis tool based on analysis of Abstract Syntax Tree, Control Flow and Call Graphs of program involving such techniques as Data-Flow Analysis and Static Symbolic Execution.

The main goal of the project is to create and engine providing features of program analysis to make it extensible for the needs of developers and QA teams.

List of detected issues

There are a few groups of checkers, each of them have specific options, approaches and result representation

  • CWE Checkers

    • BufferMaxSizeChecker
    • CliInjectionChecker
    • DivisionByZeroChecker
    • DoNotReturnAddrOfLocalVarChecker
    • FmtSpecMismatchChecker
    • FormatStringUsageChecker
    • IncompatiblePointerTypeChecker
    • IntegerOverflowChecker
    • LoopLimitTaintChecker
    • MemoryAllocationSizeChecker
    • MemoryAndResourceLeakChecker
    • MismatchedMemManagementChecker
    • NullPtrDereferenceChecker
    • OutOfBoundsChecker
    • TypeSizeMismatchChecker
    • UninitializedMemoryUsageChecker
    • UseAfterFreeChecker
  • Unused Variable Checkers

    • UnusedMemberExpressionChecker
    • UnusedParamChecker
    • UnusedVariableChecker

List of reporters

The presentation of result is depend on which reporter was used, during the analyses. The examples of the result of each reporter you can see below

Result in JSON

Result will be presented in cooddy_result.json, which is located in the current working directory by default or in location passed to argument results-path. This file contains list of problems, found in scope.

Result in human-readable format

By default, result will be printed in output of the console. If saving result in human-readable format in file is required, you need to pass path to location of result file to argument results-path. This file contains list of problems, found in scope.

Result in CSV format

Result will be presented in cooddy_result.csv, which is located in the current working directory by default or in location passed to argument results-path. This file contains list of problems, found in scope.

Result in CSV format with HTML report

Result will be presented in cooddy_result.csv, which is located in the current working directory by default or in location passed to argument results-path. This file contains list of problems, found in scope.

Result in HTML report

Result will be presented in cooddy_result.html, which is located in the current working directory by default or in location passed to argument results-path. This file contains list of problems, found in scope.

By calling following example of analyses

/mnt/d/work/Cooddy/build/release/cooddy --scope=/mnt/d/work/test --reporter=html

In HTML the content of result will be following:
